Partonomy list P3F, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

internal carotid artery (pair)

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Top level cardiovascular system Short Extended
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Current level internal carotid artery (pair) Short
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Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
3947 3898 tax
internal carotid artery (pair)
arteria carotis interna (par); arteria carotica interna (par)
49815 3899 tax
pars cervicalis (par) ; segmentum C1 (par)
50094 3900 tax
carotid sinus (pair)
sinus caroticus (par)
327587 8951
(persistent hypoglossal artery (pair) )
(arteria hypoglossa persistens (par) )
49816 3901 tax
pars petrosa (par) ; segmentum C2 (par)
49828 3902 tax
caroticotympanic arteries (pair)
arteriae caroticotympanicae (par)
49831 3903 tax
artery of pterygoid canal (pair)
arteria canalis pterygoidei (par)
(persistent trigeminal artery (pair) )
(arteria trigeminalis persistens (par) )
327593 8952
(persistent stapedial artery (pair) )
(arteria stapedia persistens (par) )
327586 8953
(persistent otic artery (pair) )
(arteria otica persistens (par) )
8954 tax
pars lacera (par) ; segmentum C3 (par)
49817 3904 tax
pars cavernosa (par) ; segmentum C4 (par)
posterior caroticocavernous trunk (pair) ; posterior trunk (pair)
truncus caroticocavernosus posterior (par) ; truncus posterior (par)
67615 3907
meningeal branch (pair)
ramus meningeus (par)
medial caroticocavernous artery (pair)
arteria caroticocavernosa medialis (par)
70531 3905
basal tentorial branch (pair)
ramus tentorius basalis (par)
branch to hypophysial fossa (pair)
ramus fossae hypophysialis (par)
branch to dorsum sellae (pair)
ramus dorsi (par)
clival branches (pair)
rami clivales (par)
medial branch of cavernous sinus (pair)
ramus medialis sinus cavernosi (par)
posterior caroticocavernous artery (pair)
arteria caroticocavernosa posterior (par)
clival branches (pair)
rami clivales (par)
branch to abducens canal (pair)
ramus canalis nervi abducentis (par)
posterior petrosal branches (pair)
rami petrosi posteriores (par)
superior caroticocavernous artery (pair)
arteria caroticocavernosa superior (par)
anterior petrosal branches (pair)
rami petrosi anteriores (par)
posterior petrosal branches (pair)
rami petrosi posteriores (par)
branch to trigeminal openings (pair)
rami pori trigeminalis cavi trigeminalis (par)
lateral branch of cavernous sinus (pair)
ramus lateralis sinus cavernosi (par)
lateral caroticocavernous trunk (pair) ; lateral trunk (pair)
truncus caroticocavernosus lateralis (par) ; truncus lateralis (par)
70534 3906
marginal tentorial branch (pair)
ramus tentorius marginalis (par)
anteromedial branch (pair)
ramus anteromedialis (par)
anterolateral branch (pair)
ramus anterolateralis (par)
49846 3909
inferior hypophysial artery (pair)
arteria hypophysialis inferior (par)
trigeminal ganglionary branches (pair)
rami ganglionares trigeminales (par)
branches of nerve (pair)
rami nervi (par)
321652 8973 tax
pars clinoidea (par) ; segmentum C5 (par)
49824 3912 tax
cerebral part (pair) ; C6 segment (pair)
pars cerebralis (par) ; segmentum C6 (par)
67617 3919
meningeal branch (pair)
ramus meningeus (par)
49868 3913 tax
ophthalmic artery (pair) P4 116 children
arteria ophthalmica (par)
49879 3921 tax
central retinal artery (pair)
arteria centralis retinae (par)
49946 3922 tax
extraocular part (pair)
pars extraocularis (par)
49949 3923 tax
intraocular part (pair)
pars intraocularis (par)
49912 6985 tax
superior temporal retinal arteriole (pair)
arteriola retinalis temporalis superior (par)
49917 6986 tax
inferior temporal retinal arteriole (pair)
arteriola retinalis temporalis inferior (par)
49909 6987 tax
superior nasal retinal arteriole (pair)
arteriola retinalis nasalis superior (par)
49915 6988 tax
inferior nasal retinal arteriole (pair)
arteriola retinalis nasalis inferior (par)
51904 6989 tax
superior macular arteriole (pair)
arteriola macularis superior (par)
51905 6990 tax
inferior macular arteriole (pair)
arteriola macularis inferior (par)
51906 6991 tax
middle macular arteriole (pair)
arteriola macularis media (par)
49927 3924 tax
lacrimal artery (pair)
arteria lacrimalis (par)
51965 3925 tax
anastomotic branch of middle meningeal artery (pair)
ramus anastomoticus arteriae meningeae mediae (par)
49940 3926 tax
lateral palpebral arteries (pair)
arteriae palpebrales laterales (par)
51968 3927 tax
recurrent meningeal branch (pair)
ramus meningeus recurrens (par)
49952 8917 tax
posterior ciliary arteries (pair)
arteriae ciliares posteriores (par)
49956 3928 tax
short posterior ciliary arteries (pair)
arteriae ciliares posteriores breves (par)
59002 6984
vascular circle of optic nerve (pair)
circulus vasculosus nervi optici (par)
(cilioretinal artery (pair) )
(arteria cilioretinalis (par) )
49955 3929 tax
long posterior ciliary arteries (pair)
arteriae ciliares posteriores longae (par)
58529 6946
greater arterial circle of iris (pair)
circulus arteriosus major iridis (par)
58581 6947
(lesser arterial circle of iris (pair) )
(circulus arteriosus minor iridis (par) )
49961 3930 tax
muscular arteries (pair)
arteriae musculares (par)
# muscular artery
# arteria muscularis
49962 3931 tax
anterior ciliary arteries (pair)
arteriae ciliares anteriores (par)
49967 3932 tax
anterior conjunctival arteries (pair)
arteriae cerebri mediae (par)
49970 3933 tax
episcleral arteries (pair) ; M1 segments (pair)
arteriae episclerales (par) ; segmenta M1 (par)
49973 3934 tax
supraorbital artery (pair)
arteria supraorbitalis (par)
49983 3935
diploic branch (pair)
ramus diploicus (par)
49989 3940 tax
posterior ethmoidal artery (pair)
arteria ethmoidalis posterior (par)
49986 3936 tax
anterior ethmoidal artery (pair)
arteria ethmoidalis anterior (par)
49993 3937 tax
anterior meningeal branch (pair)
ramus meningeus anterior (par)
49994 3938 tax
anterior septal branches (pair)
rami septales anteriores (par)
3939 tax
long posterior ciliary arteries (pair)
arteriae ciliares posteriores longae (par)
50012 3941 tax
medial palpebral arteries (pair)
arteriae palpebrales mediales (par)
superior medial palpebral artery (pair)
arteria palpebralis medialis superior (par)
superior posterior conjunctival arteries (pair)
arteriae conjunctivae posteriores superiores (par)
50018 3944
superior palpebral arch (pair)
arcus palpebralis superior (par)
inferior medial palpebral artery (pair)
arteria palpebralis medialis inferior (par)
50016 3942
inferior posterior conjunctival arteries (pair)
arteriae conjunctivae posteriores inferiores (par)
50017 3943
inferior palpebral arch (pair)
arcus palpebralis inferior (par)
50025 3945 tax
supratrochlear artery (pair)
arteria supratrochlearis (par)
50000 3946 tax
dorsal nasal artery (pair)
arteria nasalis dorsalis (par)
perforating branches (pair)
rami perforantes (par)
branch to optic chiasms (pair)
rami chiasmatici (par)
branch to optic nerves (pair)
rami nervi optici (par)
branch to optic tracts (pair)
rami tractus optici (par)
8978 tax
communicating part (pair) ; C7 segment (pair)
pars communicans (par) ; segmentum C7 (par)
50084 3915 tax
posterior communicating artery
arteria communicans posterior
49849 3914 tax
superior hypophysial artery (pair)
arteria hypophysialis superior (par)
perforating branches (pair)
rami perforantes (par)
branch to optic tracts (pair)
rami tractus optici (par)
cortical branch (pair)
ramus corticalis (par)
50090 3917
uncal artery of communicating part (pair)
arteria uncalis partis communicantis (par)
50087 3916 tax
arteria choroidea anterior (par)
choroid branch to lateral ventricles (pair)
rami choroidei ventriculi lateralis (par)
(choroid branch to third ventricles (pair))
(rami choroidei ventriculi tertii (par) )
perforating branches (pair)
rami perforantes (par)
branch to anterior perforated substances (pair)
rami substantiae perforatae anterioris (par)
branch to optic chiasms (pair)
rami chiasmatici (par)
branch to optic tracts (pair)
rami tractus optici (par)
branch to lateral geniculate bodies (pair)
rami corporis geniculati lateralis (par)
branch to optic radiations (pair)
rami radiationis opticae (par)
branch to internal capsules (pair)
rami capsulae internae (par)
branches of knee of internal capsule (pair)
rami genus capsulae internae (par)
branch to posterior limbs (pair)
rami cruris posterioris (par)
branch to retrolentiform limbs (pair)
rami partis retrolentiformis (par)
branch to globus pallidi (pair)
rami globi pallidi (par)
branch to tail of caudate nuclei (pair)
rami caudae nuclei caudati (par)
branch to hippocampi (pair)
rami hippocampales (par)
branch to dentate gyri (pair)
rami gyri dentati (par)
branch to fornices (pair)
rami fornicis (par)
(uncal branches (pair) )
(rami uncales (par) )
branch to piriform cortices (pair)
rami corticis piriformis structurae olfactoriae (par)
branch to amygdaloid bodies (pair)
rami corporis amygdaloidei (par)
(branch to tuber cinerea (pair))
(rami tuberis cinerei (par) )
(branch to hypothalamic nucleis (pair))
(rami nucleorum hypothalami (par))
branch to thalamic nucleis (pair)
rami nucleorum thalami (par)
branch to substantia nigrae (pair)
rami substantiae nigrae (par)
branch to red nuclei (pair)
rami nuclei rubri (par)
branch to cerebral peduncles (pair)
rami pedunculi cerebri (par)
accessory hypophysial arteries (pair)
arteriae hypophysiales accessoriae (par)
50028 3968 tax
arteria cerebri anterior (par)
50073 3969 tax
precommunicating part (pair) ; A1 segment (pair)
pars precommunicans (par) ; segmentum A1 (par)
3970 tax
anteromedial central arteries (pair)
arteriae centrales anteromediales (par)
50311 3971
short striatal branches (pair)
rami striatales breves (par)
50312 3972
supraoptic branch (pair)
ramus supraopticus (par)
50314 3973
anterior perforating branches (pair)
rami perforantes anteriores (par)
50313 3974
preoptic branches (pair)
rami preoptici (par)
50169 3975 tax
anterior communicating artery
arteria communicans anterior
50074 3979 tax
postcommunicating part (pair)
pars postcommunicans (par)
8933 tax
infracallosal part (pair) ; A2 segment (pair)
pars infracallosa (par) ; segmentum A2 (par)
50327 3980 tax
long striatal artery (pair) ; long central artery (pair)
arteria striatalis longa (par) ; arteria centralis longa (par)
50328 3981 tax
medial orbitofrontal artery (pair)
arteria orbitofrontalis medialis (par)
50328 8934
posterior orbitofrontal artery (pair)
arteria orbitofrontalis posterior (par)
50329 3982 tax
frontopolar artery (pair) ; frontal polar artery (pair)
arteria frontopolaris (par) ; arteria polaris frontalis (par)
perforating branches (pair)
rami perforantes (par)
hypothalamic branches (pair)
rami hypothalamici (par)
branch to septum pellucida (pair)
rami septi pellucidi (par)
branch to anterior commissures (pair)
rami commissurae anterioris (par)
branch to fornices (pair)
rami fornicis (par)
short striatal branches (pair)
rami striatales breves (par)
(subcallosal artery (pair) )
(arteria subcallosa (par) )
50337 3989 tax
pericallosal artery (pair)
arteria pericallosa (par)
short branch to corpus callosa (pair)
rami breves corporis callosi (par)
long branch to corpus callosa (pair)
rami longi corporis callosi (par)
8944 tax
precallosal part (pair) ; A3 segment (pair)
pars precallosa (par) ; segmentum A3 (par)
50330 3983 tax
callosomarginal artery (pair)
arteria callosomarginalis (par)
50332 3984 tax
anteromedial frontal branch (pair)
ramus frontalis anteromedialis (par)
50333 3985 tax
intermediomedial frontal branch (pair)
ramus frontalis intermediomedialis (par)
50334 3986 tax
posteromedial frontal branch (pair)
ramus frontalis posteromedialis (par)
50335 3987 tax
cingulate branch (pair)
ramus cingularis (par)
paracentral branches (pair)
rami paracentrales (par)
8945 tax
supracallosal part (pair) ; A4 segment (pair)
pars supracallosa (par) ; segmentum A4 (par)
paracentral branches (pair)
rami paracentrales (par)
precuneate branches (pair)
rami precuneati (par)
8947 tax
postcallosal part (pair) ; A5 segment (pair)
pars postcallosa (par) ; segmentum A5 (par)
superior parietal branches (pair)
rami parietales superiores (par)
inferior parietal branches (pair)
rami parietales inferiores (par)
50340 3991
parietooccipital branches (pair)
rami parietooccipitales (par)
inferior callosal branches (pair)
rami inferiores corporis callosi (par)
50109 3920 tax
carotid syphon (pair) ; carotid siphon (pair)
sipho caroticus (par)
161 lines
50.3 %
52.2 %
10 partial items
466 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
For the Arteria carotis interna (Internal carotid artery or ICA, the subdivision into C1-C4 segments (Gibo et al. 1981 J Neurosurg 55:560-574) is replaced by the more recent Bouthillier subdivision into C1-C7 (Bouthillier A, van Loveren HR, Keller JT 1996 Segments of the internal carotid artery: A new classification. Neurosurgery 38:425-433). Main differences are: - the Pars lacera (Segmentum C3) is a short segment that begins above the Foramen lacerum and ends at the Ligamentum petrolinguale. The new Segments C2 and C3 cover the old Segment C2; - the Pars cavernosa is the new Segmentum C4; - the Segments C5-C7 comprise the Pars cerebralis (C4) of the Gibo/TA subdivision: the Pars clinoidea (Segmentum C5) is a borderline segment extending between dural rings, by definition never intradural, often surrounded by a venous collar (a protrusion of the Cavernous sinus), the Pars ophthalmica is Segmentum C6, and the Pars communicans Segmentum C7.
The Sipho caroticus (Carotid siphon), described by Moniz in 1927, is not well-defined. It covers the C4-C5/C6 segments (see Sanders-Taylor C, Kurbanov A, Cebula H, Leach JL, Zuccarello M, Keller JT 2014 The carotid siphon: A historic radiographic sign, not an anatomic classification. World Neurosurg 82:423-427).
See note # 23889
New term; the Arteria cilioretinalis is a variant artery which leaves the Discus nervi optici separately from the Arteria centralis retinae. It may serve as an additional supply for the Macula lutea from the choroidal circulation. If present (10-30% of cases), it can spare central vision in occlusion of the Arteria centralis retinae.
See note # 23165
During development, longitudinal arteries are formed, connected with the ICAs by temporary (or primitive) trigeminal, otic, stapedial and hypoglossal arteries (see Padget DH 1948 The development of the cranial arteries in the human embryo. Contrib Embryol Carnegie Instn 32:2-5-261). These 'Primitive arteries' may persist (Wohlschlaeger G, Wohlschlaeger PB 1964 The primitive trigeminal artery as seen angiographically and at postmortem examination. AJR Am J Roentgenol 92:761-768; Suttner N, Mura J, Tedeschi H, et al. 2000 Persistent trigeminal artery: A unique anatomic specimen - analysis and therapeutic implications. Neurosurgery 47:428-434).
The TA nomenclature for the Striatal arteries is rather confusing. The Aa.striatae mediales proximales (PNA: Arteriae centrales breves) may better be known as Rami striati breves (as for A2 segment). The TA term Arteria striata medialis distalis is replaced by Arteria striata longa with Arteria centralis longa of PNA as synonym; eponym: (Recurrent artery of) Heubner.
Type of list P3F
List Unit Identifier 3898
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Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 1571076384
Proper children 50
Invalid check Found children: 465
Proper units 15
Invalid check Found units: 157
Signature 1403 (validated since 26.12.2021)
Date: 18.08.2024